Adevarul e ca in ultimele sezoane, prietenul Andre Verbesselt, cu a sa crescatorie din Buggenhout, Flandra de Est, si-a croit un drum solid in misiunea de a-si face un “nume” in tarile asiatice. In anul 2008, porumbeii lui Andre au realizat o performanta remarcabila prin castigarea premiilor 8 si 45 la “One Million Euro Race”, de la Shanghai, China.


Andre Verbesselt si Marcel Aelbrecht … este mai mult decat o colaborare de succes. Cu descendentii directi, adusi din volierele de reproductie de clasa mondiala ale lui Marcel Aelbrecht, era clar ca lui Andre Verbesselt nu-i va lua mult pana sa ajunga la randul sau sa dea recitaluri in sportul columbofil … chiar si la nivel international. Dovada sta parcursul ascendent, inceput cu un loc 8 in “cursa finala” de la “One Million Euro Race” din China 2008, continuand cu o dubla “10  + 12”,  in cursa “Thailand Grand Pigeon Race” din 2009, si terminand cu locul 2 in “final spring race”, de la “One Million Euro Race”, Shanghai 2010! Marcel Aelbrecht si Andre Verbesselt … ei nu sunt doar mana si manusa, ci si “clasa mondiala” din sertarul de sus.  Cu cei 40 de porumbei adusi de la Aelbrecht, Andre este proprietarul “celei mai mari camere cu comori” … as spune o “mica avere”, sau mai degraba “mina de aur” cu porumbei Aelbrecht. Nu e de mirare ca lumea considera colonia lui Andre Verbesselt, in acest moment, drept cea mai mare si mai nobila “subsidiara” a lui Marcel Aelbrecht.

The line of “Bak 17” Aelbrecht

* Children of “Bak 17”

be10-4317460 be09-4319780 be08-4346245 be08-4346244 be05-5210511 be05-5210510 be07-4138837 be07-4373754 be07-4373753

* Half sister “Bak 17”


* Grandchildren of  “Bak 17”

be07-4373758 be07-4373757



* Aelbrecht & De Rauw-Sablon

be08-4347482 be08-4355579

* Grandchildren of  “Bak 17”, bred by Andre Verbesselt and now he is owned by PIPA elite centerbe09-4018053 be09-4018133 be08-4347451 be08-4347447 be08-4117604

Grandchildren of “548/91” Direct Children of super breeder 970/96 father 1é and 7é national  ace pigeon long distancebe06-4044573 be05-4130439 be03-4316022_1

* Children of “970”


be08-4346237 be08-4346236 be07-4373762 be07-4373761* 5 grandchildren of  “548/91”, 5 children of “118/00″:be07-4380696 be07-4380695 be06-4382489 be06-4044509 be04-4019962

Grandchildren of  “970/96”


The line of “Daughter Marseille”

* “Daughter Marseille” 04/4099681


* Grandchildrenof “Marseille”be08-4346240 be07-4135328 be07-4373764 be07-4373763 be07-4138810 be07-4373760 be06-4382488 be05-4408205 be05-4400564 be05-4400563

The line of “Perpignan”, original Aelbrechtbe07-4373752 be07-4373751

Mother to 45th prize winner in the One Million Euro Race in Shanghai in 2008


Full sister to 8th prize winner One Million Euro Race Shanghai China 2008


Father to 8th prize winner One Million Euro Race Shanghai China 2008


“Mister Sompong” campion al Thailandei (dreapta), “Mister Shih”, campion Chin si Andre Verbeselt, locul10 la Grand Pigeon Race Thailanda

In 2009, Andre a avut drept scop sa-si impuna “sagetile” in turnirul “Thailanda Grand Pigeon Race”. A izbutit inca o data, intr-un mod coplesitor! Andre a intrat in “lupta” cu 6 porumbei, dintre care 4  s-au calificat pentru “marea finala” … o cursa de aproximativ 450 Km, disputata in conditii extrem de dificile, din cauza vantului cap – mai mult sau mai putin consistent – si din pricina caldurii doar aparent corespunzatoare … Oricum, n-a fost vorba de o cursa destinata “papusilor de plus” (info: porumbelul castigator din 2009 a ajuns cu o viteza de 1018 m!). Astfel de lucruri se potrivesc foarte bine descrierilor porumbeilor lui Andre Verbesselt, sau ar trebui sa scriem “porumbeilor Aelbrecht … cu ajutorul carora Andre si-a construit crescatoria. Andre Verbesselt a ajuns in Thailanda cu moralul ridicat, decis sa experimenteze personal aceasta “cursa finala”, pentru ca in cele pregatitoare (asa numitele curse “Hotspot”), porumbeii Verbesselt au evoluat admirabil, obtinand printre altele un loc de 4! Nu suficient, dar performanta i-a dat lui Andre un impuls consistent de adrenalina in asteptarea marii finale! Senzatie cunoscuta, de altfel, de toti crescatorii profesionisti de porumbei, fiecare visand la castigarea “cursei finale” si, implicit, la “marele premiu in bani”.
La acel moment, majoritatea dintre participanti s-a simtit cu sufletul la gura … si era firesc sa se intample asta! La ora locala 17.37, Andre putea sa comande “sampania” … pentru ca un porumbel Verbesselt a revenit din cursa, reusind sa revendice locul 10 in finala “Thailanda Grand Pigeon”. Chelnerul a luat deja comanda dupa alte trei minute de la aparitia primei pasari, la 17.40 sosind un al doilea porumbel Andre Verbesselt, acesta clasandu-se pe pozitia a 12-a! Andre Verbesselt nu si-a incaput in piele de fericire … porumbeii sai au realizat un spectacol minunat, cu un dublu premiu (10 + 12 ) in cursa “Thailanda Grand Pigeon 2009” … Andre devenind primul crescator cu 2 porumbei care duc cursa cu succes la finish. Mai mult, Andre s-a bucurat si de performanta bunului sau prieten Harrie van Boxmeer, din Olanda, care a avut un porumbel sosit pe locul 32, dar atentie, un porumbel Verbesselt 50%! Nu e de mirare ca numele Verbesselt este acum foarte apreciat in tarile din Asia, cu astfel de performante splendide de-a lungul ultimelor doua sezoane!


“Sucursala” Marcel Aelbrecht

Andre are ganduri mari cu o serie de competitii pe care le vrea “atacate” in Asia, dorind ca pe viitor sa trimita mai multe pasari importante la asemenea regaluri columbofile . Curse care se bucura de o popularitate din ce in ce mai mare si in care se observa, de la an la an, o crestere a numarului de prezente de belgieni sau de cunoscuti crescatori europeni. In plus fata de senzatie si folclor … columbodroamele asigura, dincolo de o “multime de bani”, si o “faima” internationala. Un fapt care nu a scapat atentiei majoritatii participantilor de pe Batranul Continent.
Un lucru iese in evidenta ca un deget inflamat. Cine vrea sa castige aici, sau macar sa devina cunoscut, trebuie obligatoriu sa participe cu “porumbei buni”, de fapt cu cei mai buni porumbei din volierele lor. Este singura modalitate de a avea o sansa pe aceste columbodroame. Trebuie sa luam in considerare parerile de specialist ale lui Andre Verbesselt… pentru ca el stie despre ce vorbeste. A devenit acum mai mult decat clar faptul ca Andre dispune de volierele pretioase … alcatuite in proportie de 90% din porumbei direct Marcel Aelbrecht! Si asta, cu mult timp inainte ca Marcel Aelbrecht sa faca prima pagina a ziarelor, inainte ca el sa se bucure de faima mondiala pe care avea sa o obtina datorita fenomenalelor sale performante realizate in cursele pe distanțe lungi …, succese asezonate cu castigarea unor titluri , precum

General Champion of Belgium KBDB 2006
1st National Champion ‘Long Distance’ KBDB 2006
General Champion of Belgium KBDB 2005
1st National Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2003

Iar cand el izbutea aceste lucruri cu porumbeii sai, Andre Verbesselt se afla deja pe veranda lui Marcel Aelbrecht. Aelbrecht era deja “in top” de ani buni, concurase “magistral” cu porumbeii lui … dar publicul impatimit al fenomenului nu il descoperise pe de-a-ntregul. Lucrurile s-au schimbat radical dupa ce Marcel a castigat titlul national, apoi toate reflectoarele au fost puse pe porumbeii lui. Portile catre “faima eterna” au fost larg deschise pentru Marcel. Prin intermediul porumbeilor lor, Andre Verbesselt a devenit foarte bun prieten cu “mega-celebritatea” Marcel Aelbrecht de la Lebbeke! Si … ca un bun prieten ce-i devenise, Andre si-a permis “privilegiul” de a sapa in “mina de aur” din Lebbeke … vazuta drept una dintre cele mai bogate surse de reproducere din Belgia pentru cursele pe distante lungi, care se bazeaza in mare parte pe linia faimoasa in lume “Dream Couple” de la Rauw-Sablon. Ne gandim la campioni de nivel national … destinuti de un Jules Mannaert, un Marc Cock, un Louis Vanden Eynde, Freddy & Jacques Vandenheede, Erik Limbourg si, nu in ultimul rand … vecinul lor … Marcel Aelbrecht in persoanai! Va spuneam ca Andre a obtinut descendentii directi ai acum celebrilor porumbei Aelbrecht, si cupluri faimoase de reproducere , precum BAK 17, BAK 10 … stele de reproducere ca “Perpignan”, “Marseille”, “Fijn blauw”, “Cerafin” … pe scurt, absolut toata “crema cremelor” coloniei Aelbrecht, porumbei care in acest moment sunt “top of the top” la nivel mondial si extrem de apreciati! In momentul de fata, volierele lui Andre Verbesselt dispun de 40 de porumbei direct Aelbrecht, dintre cei mai buni! Momentan, la Buggenhout exista nu mai putin de 17 nepoti direct Marcel Aelbrecht, si anume “Superkweker 548/91”, un fiu direct al “Dream Couple” de la Rauw-Sablon.

The ‘SUPERKWEKER’ 91-4568548 Aelbrecht

No less than 2 of his grandchildren achieved National Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB!
The ‘PATRON’                                            The ‘BLUE ACE’
BE99-45009070                                             BE03-4290095
1° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB ’03                2° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB ‘07
By Marcel Aelbrect, Lebbeke!               By Erik Limbourg, Brussegem!


Nu mai e un secret pentru nimeni faptul ca edificarea coloniei Marcel Aelbrecht se bazeaza pe minunatii porumbei Rauw-Sablon. Marcel nu a trebuit sa calatoreasca departe pentru asta … doar pana la coltul strazii… la vecinul Frans Sablon! Marcel Aelbrecht stia mai bine decat oricine ca liniile de top stau la baza succeselor de top obtinute de catre Rauw-Sablon. De asemenea, in mod inevitabil, el s-a ciocnit de acel minunat “Sange de Campion” … nu in ultimul rand creat de “Cuplul de Asi” … mai bine cunoscut sub numele de “Cuplul de vis” Rauw-Sablon. In afara de “Limoges” si de “Frans”, si fratele lor, “548/91 Superkweker” a avut un rol principal in misiunea de a livra exceptionalele “Supercracks”, care au triumfat la randul lor in Campionatele Nationale pe Distante Lungi. El a fost, de asemenea, un descendent al acelui faimos stoc Rauw-Sablon, ca “fiu” direct al “Cuplului de Vis” (“Albert” si “Paola”)! Adevarul e ca el a stat la baza dezvoltarii unora dintre cele mai bune colectii de porumbei din istoria columbofila belgiana! El este “ursul stoc de aur”, care a stat la baza “povestii de succes” pusa pe hartie de un anumit … Marcel Aelbrecht. Generatii dupa generatii de “castigatori ai premiului 1” si fenomenali “Asi porumbei” s-au tot ivit dintre urmasii sai. Cine crede ca sunt “exagerari”, isi va da seama imediat despre asta, doar citind cat de multi descendenti campioni de curse si talente de reproducere a lasat mostenire “548/91 Superkweker” de la Aelbrecht

1.‘Father Ace pigeon’ 96-4391970

Giant of a top breeder in the lofts of Marcel Aelbrecht and father of super pigeons so as
-the ‘PATRON’: 1° National Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2003
-the ‘925-04’: 7° National Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2006
-the ‘077-03’: 51° Nat Orange 6.751 p. ’05, 91° Nat Montélimar 10.195 p. ’05…
-the ‘049/01’: 21° Nat Marseille 5.864 p. ’04, 68° Nat Perpignan 7.611 p. ’05…

2. ‘Brother Smallen’ 00-4065848

Was sol don the 6th of December 2009 for 30.000 euro in the auction of E.Limbourg!
Last  of the greatest ‘top breeders’ of the last century, something which didn’t escape the attention of Erik Limbourg, who managed to take this ‘golden top breeder’ back to Brussegem in 2008. Not surprising when you know that a.o. he is father of:
-‘Blue Ace 095/03’: 2° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2007 by Erik Limbourg
-‘Cock BAK 17’ by Marcel Aelbrecht: exceptional breeding talent and father of the ‘Favourite Bak 17’, ‘the 530’, the ‘942-04’… superior racing pigeons that gave Marcel Aelbrecht world fame!

3. ‘Son Super breeder’ 96-4271517

-father of the ‘Blauwen As’: 7° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB ’99 by Jules Mannaert
-grandfather of the ‘376’: self father 1° Nat Limoges 2006 the Graeve-Van Geert


4. The ‘Fijn Blauw’ 98-4182270
O minunata bijuterie, care, impreună cu celebrul “Marseille” de la Marcel Aelbrecht, sta la baza unei explozii de talente de top, precum:

-The ‘Super Marseille 087/03’, fabulous top racer with a.o. included in his honours list:

30° Nat Brive     20.310 p. ‘05
65° Nat Cahors     6.654 p. ‘06
86° Nat Cahors     9.275 p. ’05…
And further 208° Nat Limoges 9.545 p, 323° Nat Souillac 53.985 p, 582° Nat Cahors 5.894 p. ’07, 713° Intprov Vierzon 7.421 p, 860° Nat Limoges 12.266 p, 917° Nat Brive 16.007 p. ’07…

The ‘Crack 308/02’, who won:

16° Nat Cahors     9.275 p.
31° Nat Brive     20.310 p.
34° Nat Argenton  17.010 p.
62° Nat Brive     7.446 p.
98° Nat Limoges  13.502 p…

-The ‘Mother Patron 060/97’: mother 1° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2003!
– The ‘Super 309/02’: 54° Nat Argenton 17.010 p, 198° Nat La Souterraine 13.709 p…
-The ‘Favoriet Marseille’: 52° Nat Montélimar 7.873 p. ’07, and further 183° Nat Orange 6.083 p. ‘07, 241° Nat Limoges 15.507 p. ‘06…
-The ‘Jonge Marseille’: 238° Nat Montauban 6.187 p. ’07… etc…
This ‘breeding domination’ carries on interrupted in the grandchildren, so as:
-The IRUN 417/05, (out ‘ Zomerjong 118/00’ x ‘Super 309/02’) winner of:

32° Nat Irun             5.846 p. ‘07
3° Bourges I             169 p. ‘05
3° Chateauroux         102 p. ‘06
8° Chateauroux         450 p.
473° Nat Montauban         6.187 p.
956° Nat La Souterraine     15.406 p. ’05 etc…

-The ST.VINCENT 531/06, who won:

22° Nat St.Vincent         6.521 p. ‘07
218° Nat Argenton         14.534 p. ‘06
247° Nat La Souterraine     13.965 p. ‘06
483° Nat Gueret        10.670 p. ’06… etc.

5. The 00-4509102
Father of the ‘Stielman’: virtual 4° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2003

6. ‘Zomerjong’ 00-4509118
A pigeon that now enjoys world fame as the ‘Super breeder’ out BOX 10 M.Aelbrecht! Father of a whole series of top racers so as: ‘the ‘Goede Blauwen’, and the ‘Irun’ (see ‘Fijn Blauw’ under nr 4).
-The ‘GOEDE BLAUWEN’ 932/04 (out ‘Zomerjong 118/00’ x ‘Daughter Limoges 001/03’) achieved the following honours list:

1° Reg Bourges        1.069 p. ‘04
10° Nat Aurillac        6.610 p. ‘06
36° Prov Argenton    6.269 p. ‘04
40° Nat Souillac        6.475 p. ‘06
113° Nat Limoges    17.456 p. ‘05
176° I.Prov Vierzon    7.421 p. ‘07
298° Nat Cahors    5.894 p. ‘07
364° Nat Brive        9.466 p. ‘06
440° Nat Limoges    13.581 p. ‘06
490° Prov Bourges    12.331 p. ‘04

Nobody knew the enormous breeding worth of this ‘golden stock bear’ SUPERKWEKER  548/91, better than Andre Verbesselt. No wonder that this line also forms the main ingredient of his colony, with no less than 17 direct grandchildren residing in the breeding lofts. The winners of the 12° prize Thailand Grand Pigeon Race ’09 (‘Miss Long’), and the 45° One Million Euro Race Sjanghai ’08 come out the line of stock breeder M.Aelbrecht by Andre… while the mother of ‘Miss Arwen’ or the 8° prize One Million Euro Race 2008, is a granddaughter of this golden stock bear, and her father is a grandson of the ‘Father 1° Nat Ace pigeon 970/96’ (father of the ‘Patron’ and so son of the ‘Super breeder 548/91’)!


The ‘breeding treasure’ of Marcel Aelbrecht!
The ‘world famous’ BAK 17!

4333378/02        x         4365061/99
“DUIVER BAK 17”            “DUIVIN BAK 17”
The ‘DUIVER BAK 17’ is a full brother 2° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB ’07 (E. Limbourg)!
The ‘DUIVER BAK 17’ is a full brother of ‘FATHER 1° NAT ARGENTON 633/02’  in 2008 by Van Roy-Rochtus!
There is also a treasure of breeding gold from the world famous top couple from Marcel Aelbrecht in the lofts of sport friend Andre Verbesselt. The ‘Duiver Bak 17’ 378/02 is not only a full brother of ‘Blue Ace’ or the 2° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2007 by E.Limbourg… he is also son of ‘Brother Smallen 848/00 (sold for a sloppy 30.000 euro in the auction of Eric Limbourg… as son of  the ‘SUPERKWEKER 548/91’ x ‘Golden Lady 368/93) who was coupled with ‘Daughter Dromer 665/01, a golden breeding mother (as daughter of the unprecedented ‘Dromer 519/99’ x ‘Daughter Limoges 805/00’). the ‘Mother Bak 17 061/99’ then comes out ‘Den Yzeren 044/93’ (father 1° Nat Perpignan 5.855 p… and coming out a half-sister ‘Albert’ , the cock of the ‘Dream Couple’) coupled with ‘Sister Crack 205/94’ (full sister of the famous ‘Crack 066/91’ and half-sister of the ‘Cerafin’… and also stemming from a half-sister ‘Albert’)! A breeding couple of exceptional ‘class’… because the famous ‘Dream Couple’ is worked into the pedigree no less than 6 times! Here also lies the ‘domination’ of the ‘Ace pigeon couple’ at the basis of a new generation of ‘wonder pigeons’!verbesselt114 verbesselt115

Offspring “BAK 17” includes the following ‘Super pigeons’:

-the ‘FAVORIET 943/04’ who won:
’07 Bourges Nat    11.933 p.    20
’06 Aurillac Nat            6.611 p.    24
’04 La Souterraine     16.297 p.    93
’07 Montélimar Nat      7.873 p.    101
’06 Souillac Nat            6.475 p.    138

-the ‘NEST BROTHER FAVORIET 942/04’ who won:

Limoges Nat        17.456 p.    15
Bourges Nat        48.553 p.    48
La Souterraine Nat    16.297 p.    81
-the top hen “530 van BAK 17” 530/06, she won:
Gueret Nat        10.670 p.    14

Acest lucru a fost imediat dovedit de Andre Verbesselt , deoarece “Son Bak 17 NR 1′ 753/07” este bunicul locului 10 la Thailanda Grand Pigeon Race 2009!

The ‘Golden Stock bear’ Marcel Aelbrecht:

the “MARSEILLE” 4429362/93
Is ‘richly’ represented in the ‘Aelbrecht Loft’  of Andre Verbesselt!
One of the absolute ‘supporting pillars’ behind the top successes by Marcel Aelbrecht is without doubt the ‘wonder breeder’ theMARSEILLE 4429362/93, who self excelled with:
33° Nat Marseille ’97
60° Nat Marseille ’98

He was… mainly coupled with top hen the ‘FIJN BLAUW 4185270/98’… father and grandfather of a almost uncountable series of ‘Crack pigeons’, with the main direct children:
-The ‘Super Marseille 087/03’, fabulous top racer with a.o. the following on his honours list:

30° Nat Brive     20.310 p. ‘05
65° Nat Cahors     6.654 p. ‘06
86° Nat Cahors     9.275 p. ’05…

And further 208° Nat Limoges 9.545 p, 323° Nat Souillac 53.985 p, 582° Nat Cahors 5.894 p. ’07, 713° Intprov Vierzon 7.421 p, 860° Nat Limoges 12.266 p, 917° Nat Brive 16.007 p. ’07…
-De ‘Crack 308/02’, who won:

16° Nat Cahors     9.275 p.
31° Nat Brive     20.310 p.
34° Nat argenton     17.010 p.
62° Nat Brive     7.446 p.
98° Nat Limoges     13.502 p…

-The ‘Mother Patron 060/97’: mother 1° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2003!
– The ‘Super 309/02’: 54° Nat Argenton 17.010 p, 198° Nat La Souterraine 13.709 p…
-The ‘Favoriet Marseille’: 52° Nat Montélimar 7.873 p. ’07, and further 183° Nat Orange 6.083 p. ‘07, 241° Nat Limoges 15.507 p. ‘06…
-The ‘Jonge Marseille’: 238° Nat Montauban 6.187 p. ’07… etc…

This ‘breeding domination’ carries on interrupted in the grandchildren so as:

‘The IRUN 417/05’, winner of a.o.
32° Nat Irun             5.846 p. ‘07
‘Look at his full honours list above by the ‘Fijn Blauw’
-‘The ST.VINCENT 531/06′, who won a.o.
22° Nat St.Vincent         6.521 p. ‘07

Also the ‘RHONEMAN 36/04’, ‘BROER RHONEMAN 812/07’, the ‘818/07’, the ‘WITPEN 502/06’… were all toppers, and grandchildren of the MARSEILLE! Also by Andre Verbesselt there are direct children and grandchildren of this wonder breeder ‘Marseille’ active, and with success. So is the ‘Marcel 488/06’ (grandson of the ‘Marseille’), father of ‘Miss Long 055/09’ who won the 12° prize Thailand Grand Pigeon Race 2009!verbesselt111 verbesselt103

The ‘Treasure chamber’ of Buggenhout
Andre Verbesselt and Marcel Aelbrecht are not only sworn comrades… Andre also generously supplied himself over the years… and with 40 direct Aelbrecht pigeons, he is also the proud owner of what we can only describe as the ‘best kept testament’ of world class Marcel Aelbrecht at the moment! Let’s take a quick closer look at what direct Aelbrecht pigeons the ‘treasure chamber of Buggenhout’ houses:
-‘Topkweker Bak 10’ 118/00:direct son of the ‘Superkweker 548/91’ x ‘Golden Lady 368/93’
Children ‘BAK 17’: a handful of direct children from this ‘top couple’ by M.Aelbrecht
-‘Blauwtje 751/07’: daughter of the powerful top breeder the ‘Perpignan 065/97’ (1° Nat Zone B Cahors 3.476 p., 1° Vierzon 1.395 p., 19° Nat Perpignan 5.852 p…. and grandfather 2° Nat Ace pigeon ‘Grand Middle Distance’ by Louis Vd Eynde) x ‘Daughter Limoges 043/03’ (super breeding hen out wonder breeder the ‘Limoges 261/91’ x ‘Daughter Marseille 309/02’).
-‘Broken Wing Bak 10’ 509/06: half-brother of the star racers ‘Goede Blauwen’ and the ‘Irun’ (out the ‘Topkweker Bak 10’ 118/00 x ‘Daughter Perpignan 957/04’).
Direct children out ‘Father Patron 970/96’: a handful of children out the father of the 1° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB  2003’: the ‘Patron 070/99’! Amongst them the proven top breeding hen ‘Miss Pamela 573/06’ (half-sister of both the 1° + 7° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance KBDB), and ‘Miss Joice 439/05’
-the ‘759/07’ and ‘760/07’, son and daughter of ‘Brother Patron 049/01’ x ‘Daughter Marseille 566/05’
-descendants of the identical breeding couple ‘Brother Patron 455/03’ x ‘Daughter Marseille 161/04’
-The ‘Marcel 488/06’: half-bother 1° Nat La Souterraine 9.582 p. in ’97: the ‘Tam Witkopje’, which grew to be a giant of a top breeding hen in the lofts of Erik Limbourg! He is then a son of ‘Father Tam Witkopje 837/94’ (self grandson of the ‘Dream Couple’ the Rauw-Sablon) x ‘Daughter Marseille 034/01’ (out the super breeding couple ‘Marseille’ x ‘Fijn Blauw’). This ‘Marcel’ is then the father of the 12° prize Thailand Grand Pigeon Race 2009!
Brothers and sisters of the ‘Rhone-man’ out the breeding couple ‘Jonge Marseille 042/03’ (son ‘Marseille’ x ‘Fijn Blauw’) x ‘Daughter ‘Gustaaf 144/03’
Direct children of the crack pigeon ‘Den Beziers 015/00’: 24° Nat Beziers 6.336 p. (son of the ‘Marseille’ x ‘Fijn Blauw’) x ‘Granddaughter Bak 17’ 513/06 (out half-brother 1° Nat Perpignan x Daughter Bak 17)
Direct children of the ‘Half-brother 1° Nat Perpignan 071/00’ (out ‘Den Yzeren 044/93’ x ‘Iris 910/96’ who comes out ‘Brother Dromer’ x ‘Daughter Dream Couple’) x ‘Daughter Bak 17’ 405/05! etc…
This is only a selection of the opulence of ‘class’… of ‘top talent’… which moved from Lebbeke to Buggenhout, and now does well in the breeding lofts of Andre Verbesselt!




Andre Verbesselt si Marcel Aelbrecht … este mai mult decat un partnerioat de succes. Cu descendentii directi ai clasei mondiale mai sus enumerate, Andre Verbesselt are acum tot drumul liber in fata pentru a realiza spectacole in sportul cu porumbei … chiar si la nivel international. Acest lucru este dovedit de locul 8 obtinut in “cursa finala” de la One Million Euro Race – China 2008, si de locurile 10 si 12  in cursa Thailand Grand Pigeon 2009! Marcel Aelbrecht si Andre Verbesselt … ei nu sunt doar mana si manusa, ci si “clasa mondiala” din sertarul de sus.  Cu cei 40 de porumbei adusi de la Aelbrecht, Andre este proprietarul “celei mai mari camere cu comori” … as spune o “mica avere”, sau mai degraba “mina de aur” cu porumbei Aelbrecht. Nu e de mirare ca lumea considera colonia lui Andre Verbesselt, in acest moment, drept cea mai mare si mai nobila “subsidiara” a lui Marcel Aelbrecht.

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